Alun Dick’s Farm, solar PV


An innovative solar solution for a poultry farm that didn’t have suitable roof space.

Alun Dick’s Farm, solar PV

The Challenge


A poultry farm with nine broiler houses and three million birds a year, Alun Dicks Farm required a sustainable energy solution that reduced heating costs and carbon emissions, while working alongside the existing biomass system. The existing biomass  system had already reduced heating costs by 50% but Alun wished to find a multi-technology solution to reduce his substantial monthly electricity bill even further.



The Solution


Following a detailed review, we installed a green energy solution to power the broiler houses. As the farm buildings themselves were unsuitable, a ground mount 250kW solar panel installation was recommended. The final array consisted of over 1000 solar panels and came complete with solar log technology to monitor and maintain the efficiency of the panels.



The Result


As well as substantially reducing CO2 emissions, the combined renewable technologies implemented now deliver £50,000 in savings a year, and generate an ROI of 19%.


“The welfare standards of the birds is on a different planet no, and at last there is no extra humidity from burning fossil fuels creating harmful gases.”


Alun Dicks, owner